1984 - Belgium Jacques Zegers - Avanti la vie Go forward in life

1984 - Belgium
Performed by: Jacques Zegers
Music by: Henri Seroka
Lyrics by: Jacques Zegers
Conductor: Jo Carlier
Language: French
Placing: 5th (70 points)

Avanti la vie Go forward in life
Avanti, avanti la vie Go forward, go forward in life
Traverse la mémoire des hommes Remember the history of mankind
Du cœur et des poings, avanti Heart and fists, go forward
Peut-être referas-tu Rome Maybe you will revive Rome

Avanti, avanti la vie Go forward, go forward in life
Sois un oiseau sans barreaux, va Be a free bird, go
Des ailes et du bec, avanti Wings and beak, go forward
Mais vole plus haut que les chats But fly higher than the cats

Le train des jours roule dans ta tête The train of the days rides in your head
Tant de détours souvent te guettent A lot of bends are often waiting for you

Avanti, avanti la vie Go forward, go forward in life
N'écoute pas toutes les lois Don't listen to all the laws
Tu en crèverais, avanti You would perish, go forward
Toutes les libertés grondent en toi All the liberties growl on you

(Avanti, avanti la vie) (Go forward, go forward in life)
Ni valet, ni roi Neither servant nor king
(Sois poète sans bourreaux, va) (Be a poet without executioners, go)
Chante aussi fort que tu pourras Sing as strong as you can
(De l'encre et des mots, avanti) (Ink and words, go forward)
Avanti la vie Go forward in life
(Écris le fou du fond de toi) (Write down the madness of your inner self)

Le train du temps parfois s'arrête The train of the time sometimes stops
Profites-en, change de tête Make the most of it, change your mind

Avanti, avanti la vie Go forward, go forward in life
Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera Help yourself, heaven will help you
Lève-toi et marche, avanti Stand up and walk, go forward
Un autre l'a dit avant moi Someone else said it before me

(Avanti, avanti la vie) (Go forward, go forward in life)
Avanti la vie Go forward in life
(Traverse la mémoire des hommes) (Remember the history of mankind)
Du cœur et des poings, avanti Heart and fists, go forward
(Du cœur et des poings, avanti) (Heart and fists, go forward)
Peut-être referas-tu Rome Maybe you will revive Rome

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